Clarion Associates and TischlerBise prepared a Growth and Annexation Alternatives Analysis for the City of Rock Hill. Within this analysis, three Citywide growth scenarios and four annexation scenarios were developed. Based on the assumptions within these scenarios, TischlerBise has prepared a fiscal model to evaluate the impact of development on the General Fund (revenues and expenditures) and revenues to the Water and Sewer Funds. The three Citywide growth scenarios (Status Quo Development, Phased Development and Corridor East Development) provide an illustration and evaluation of three similar patterns of growth that could occur over the next 25 years in the Urban Services Area. As part of this analysis, TischlerBise evaluated levels of service as well as cost and revenue assumptions. These assumptions are based on interviews and subsequent discussions with department heads, their representatives, and other related personnel in addition to a detailed analysis of City of Rock Hill’s adopted 2006 fiscal year (FY06) Budget.
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TischlerBise is a fiscal, economic, and planning consulting firm located in Bethesda, Maryland and Boise, Idaho.