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TischlerBise is a fiscal, economic, and planning consulting firm located in Bethesda, Maryland and Boise, Idaho.
The City of Georgetown, Texas, retained TischlerBise to develop two Fiscal Impact Models: One to evaluate Development Proposals and the other to evaluate Citywide Growth scenarios.
To analyze a range of development proposals on a case-by-case basis to test alternative scenarios: Addressed with the Project Level Fiscal Impact Model.
To utilize for longer-term planning analyses, such as their upcoming Comprehensive Plan update: Addressed with the Citywide Fiscal Impact Model.
The Citywide Fiscal Impact Model was developed using sub-geographies using a case-study marginal approach. The Project Level Fiscal Impact Model uses the marginal findings as the foundation with modifications to allocate costs to the project under study. The Project Level Model provides a custom-designed user input page that uses dropdown menus and default values but also allows the user to override those values temporarily.