TischlerBise recently completed a Regional Market Assessment and Fiscal Impact Analysis for the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Commission (through the Montgomery County Planning Commission along with funding from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission). The first phase of the assignment was a community assessment of land use and economic conditions and trends in the region and identification of potential market opportunities, which is home to eight jurisdictions. Based on the findings of the first phase, three scenarios were evaluated to determine the fiscal impact of different rates and location of future growth. The fiscal impact analysis included the direct costs and revenues to each of the eight separate localities and four school districts in the region. The project also provides a fiscal impact model for use by the County in assessing the fiscal impact of major development projects in the region.
According to John S. Cover, AICP, Chief of Community Planning, PMRPC: “The Pottstown Metropolitan Area Regional Planning Committee retained the services of TischlerBise in 2011 to prepare a market analysis and fiscal impact study for the eight-municipality region. The consultant team not only met our expectations but exceeded them by producing reports that were clearly tailored to our needs and circumstances; comprehensive and thorough; and readable and understandable. The participating municipalities are already using the momentum behind this effort, and the information learned, to move forward on the following:
- To use the fiscal impact analysis to weigh the pros and cons of moving from individual municipal police forces to joint police.
- To amend the regional comprehensive plan to incorporate, as official policy, the report’s findings and recommendations.
- To use the fiscal impact model to assess the benefits of a developer initiated rezoning request against future costs to constituent taxpayers.
- To begin the dialogue on how best to work cooperatively, rather than as competitors, to foster beneficial economic growth.