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L. Carson Bise II, AICP, President

Carson Bise

L. Carson Bise II, AICP


Carson Bise has over thirty years of fiscal, economic, and infrastructure finance consulting and has conducted fiscal, economic, and infrastructure finance evaluations in forty states. Mr. Bise has developed and implemented more fiscal impact models than any consultant in the country. The applications developed by Mr. Bise have been used for evaluating multiple land use scenarios, specific development projects, annexations, urban service provision, tax-increment financing, and concurrency/adequate public facilities monitoring. Mr. Bise is also a leading national figure in the calculation of impact fees, having completed over 350 impact fees for the following categories: parks and recreation, open space, police, fire, schools, water, sewer, roads, municipal power, and general government facilities.

His most recent publications are Next Generation Transportation Impact Fees, Fiscal Impact Analysis: Methodologies for Planners, published by the American Planning Association, a chapter on fiscal impact analysis in the book Planning and Urban Design Standards, also published by the American Planning Association, and the ICMA IQ Report, Fiscal Impact Analysis: How Today’s Decisions Affect Tomorrow’s Budgets.

Mr. Bise was also the principal author of the fiscal impact analysis component for the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Smart Growth Toolkit and is featured in the recently released AICP CD-ROM Training Package entitled The Economics of Density. Mr. Bise is a past Board Member of the Growth and Infrastructure Finance Consortium and Chaired the American Planning Association’s Paying for Growth Task Force. He is also an Affiliate of the National Center for Smart Growth Research & Education.

Email L. Carson Bise II, AICP

301.320.6900 ext. 12


999 W Main Street, Suite 100 Boise, ID 83702

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