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TischlerBise is a fiscal, economic, and planning consulting firm located in Bethesda, Maryland and Boise, Idaho.
TischlerBise was retained by the City of Fort Collins in 2016 and again in 2022 to prepare Transportation Capital Expansion Fee (TCEF) studies.
The City’s 2016 TCEF were derived using the incremental expansion approach. The TCEF is the product of vehicle miles of travel (VMT) per development unit multiplied by the net capital cost per VMT for transportation capacity. The TCEF fee methodology includes a percentage adjustment, or weighting factor, to account for trip length variation by type of land use. TischlerBise derived the weighting factors using household survey results provided by North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NRFMPO 2010). A similar update is currently being prepared for the City where a greater emphasis on multimodal projects is expected.