Deerfield Beach, Florida

Deerfield Beach, Florida

LOCATION: Deerfield Beach, Florida

TYPE: Fiscal Impact of Annexation

TEAM: Carson Bise

“The firm did an excellent job and the methodology utilized has resulted in clear direction for our City Commission”

Deerfield Beach, Florida is located in Broward County, in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale metropolitan area. Because Broward County has decided it will no longer provide urban services after 2010, municipalities in the County must annex the remaining unincorporated area. Therefore, the City retained TischlerBise to evaluate five scenarios for four different annexation areas.

Our case study-marginal annexation analysis prepared in Deerfield Beach evaluated four different development scenarios in four individual annexation areas. The analysis showed that only Zone 1 produces net revenues, a pattern of annexation from west to east is preferable, and a slow pattern of annexation will allow the City to possibly reconfigure its revenue structure, which would enable it to consider annexing the other three zones. As a result of the analysis, the Deerfield Beach City Commission voted unanimously to pursue annexation of Zone 1 because this zone generates the net revenues that the City will need if it contemplates annexing other zones.